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Friday, May 19, 2006

Knitting Projects of Yore

Since I have nothing better to do, I'm going to post some pictures of older knitting projects I have completed.

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Toddler's summer dress. Bodice hand-knit from cashmere/cotton blend in "butterfly" stitch with a gathered cotton eyelet skirt sewn on. Original pattern inspired by a design by Melanie Falick. (Note: long-sleeve shirt not part of the pattern.)

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Wool baby sweater using fair-isle color-knitting technique. Knit from a pattern in "Knitting For Baby" by Melanie Falick.

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Acrylic baby sweater in stockinette stitch with wool remnant embroidery. Original design.

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Peruvian-style alpaca baby hat. Knit from a pattern I found in a small yarn store in New Zealand. Note the adorable baby modeling the hat.

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Toddler's sweater using chunky wool in a ladder rib stitch with white mohair trim. Original design.

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Test swatch for the Isabella Fiore company. Inspired by Peruvian "Chullo" hats. Approximately 18" x 36". Isabella Fiore contracted me to knit this up, and it turned into this bag.

I can't say it's my favorite ever. I kind of agree with this person about it.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Two New Bags

I don't know why, but I haven't knit anything since the entrelac hat. Instead, I've been sewing a lot. I'm actually in the process of figuring out what type of serger to buy. I desperately want a serger---so much that I'm considering going to buy one after work today. If I do, I'll post pictures and whatnot here.

For now, here are two bags I made recently.

The first is a bag I made for my friend's 25th birthday. Her birthday also happened to be the day we both turned our master's theses in, so it was a special occasion! All the fabric was leftover from a skirt I made almost 2 years ago. I held on to the fabric, hoping to make something awesome out of the remnants, and here is the result:

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You can just barely see the green through the eyelets. The only thing I would do over is the zipper -- I sewed it in well, but I wish I had used a zipper longer than 9". This bag was the first of its type that I had made, and I decided to try and make another.

I went fabric shopping with my stepmom at Michael Levine's in downtown L.A., and she picked out the fabric for this pink stripes and dots bag. I think it looks good, and I have to give her props because I would have never chosen those fabrics. Here it is:

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I really like the little bamboo rings I used. I also reinforced all the fabric with fusible fleece, so it's stiffer than my other bags. Incidentally, this bag is for sale at my etsy store.

The other notable feature of the above photos is my duct-tape dress form! I got my boyfriend to wrap me up in red duct tape and now I have a pretty good form to use for sewing.

I've been sewing skirts, too -- I'll post those once I bother taking pictures of them.