Knitting Projects of Yore
Since I have nothing better to do, I'm going to post some pictures of older knitting projects I have completed.
Toddler's summer dress. Bodice hand-knit from cashmere/cotton blend in "butterfly" stitch with a gathered cotton eyelet skirt sewn on. Original pattern inspired by a design by Melanie Falick. (Note: long-sleeve shirt not part of the pattern.)
Wool baby sweater using fair-isle color-knitting technique. Knit from a pattern in "Knitting For Baby" by Melanie Falick.
Acrylic baby sweater in stockinette stitch with wool remnant embroidery. Original design.
Peruvian-style alpaca baby hat. Knit from a pattern I found in a small yarn store in New Zealand. Note the adorable baby modeling the hat.
Toddler's sweater using chunky wool in a ladder rib stitch with white mohair trim. Original design.
Test swatch for the Isabella Fiore company. Inspired by Peruvian "Chullo" hats. Approximately 18" x 36". Isabella Fiore contracted me to knit this up, and it turned into this bag.
I can't say it's my favorite ever. I kind of agree with this person about it.